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AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate考古題代碼: AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate
題庫名稱: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 考古题推薦 問答數: 708
最近更新: 05-01,2017

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NO.1 You are designing a multi-platform web application for AWS The application will run on EC2
instances and will be accessed from PCs. tablets and smart phones Supported accessing platforms are
Windows. MACOS. IOS and Android Separate sticky session and SSL certificate setups are required for
different platform types which of the following describes the most cost effective and performance
efficient architecture setup?
A. Set up two ELBs The first ELB handles SSL certificates for all platforms and the second ELB handles
session stickiness for all platforms for each ELB run separate EC2 instance groups to handle the web
application for each platform.
B. Assign multiple ELBS to an EC2 instance or group of EC2 instances running the common
components of the web application, one ELB for each platform type Session stickiness and SSL
termination are done at the ELBs.
C. Set up one ELB for all platforms to distribute load among multiple instance under it Each EC2
instance implements ail functionality for a particular platform.
D. Setup a hybrid architecture to handle session state and SSL certificates on-prem and separate EC2
Instance groups running web applications for different platform types running in a VPC.
Answer: B

AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 測試   AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 題庫更新   

NO.2 You need a persistent and durable storage to trace call activity of an IVR (Interactive Voice
Response) system. Call duration is mostly in the 2-3 minutes timeframe. Each traced call can be either
active or terminated. An external application needs to know each minute the list of currently active
calls, which are usually a few calls/second. Put once per month there is a periodic peak up to 1000
calls/second for a few hours The system is open 24/7 and any downtime should be avoided. Historical
data is periodically archived to files. Cost saving is a priority for this project.
What database implementation would better fit this scenario, keeping costs as low as possible?
A. Use DynamoDB with a "Calls" table and a Global Secondary Index on a "IsActive'" attribute that is
present for active calls only In this way the Global Secondary index is sparse and more effective.
B. Use RDS Multi-AZ with two tables, one for -Active calls" and one for -Terminated calls". In this way
the "Active calls_ table is always small and effective to access.
C. Use DynamoDB with a 'Calls" table and a Global secondary index on a 'State" attribute that can
equal to "active" or "terminated" in this way the Global Secondary index can be used for all Items in
the table.
D. Use RDS Multi-AZ with a "CALLS" table and an Indexed "STATE* field that can be equal to 'ACTIVE"
or -TERMINATED" In this way the SOL query Is optimized by the use of the Index.
Answer: A

AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 證照考試   AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 題庫下載   

NO.3 Which of the following are valid statements about Amazon S3? Choose 2 answers
A. Partially saved objects are immediately readable with a GET after an overwrite PUT.
B. S3 provides read-after-write consistency for any type of PUT or DELETE.
C. A successful response to a PUT request only occurs when a complete object is saved.
D. S3 provides eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES.
E. Consistency is not guaranteed for any type of PUT or DELETE.
Answer: C,D

AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate 软件版 

NO.4 What does the "Server Side Encryption" option on Amazon S3 provide?
A. It encrypts the files that you send to Amazon S3, on the server side.
B. It provides an encrypted virtual disk in the Cloud.
C. It doesn't exist for Amazon S3, but only for Amazon EC2.
D. It allows to upload files using an SSL endpoint, for a secure transfer.
Answer: A


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